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Designed By: Chase Mueller

May 26th, 2017

Rating: 3BIII

Total Rappels: 9

Longest Rappel: 170 ft

Approach : 6.8 mi (2320 ft)

Time Commitment : 5-12 hours

Permit: Required

Cold Water Gear: Typically N/A

Flash Flood Risk : Low/Moderate

Season: May - Nov

First Rap: 100 ft

Right down canyon (RDC) & left down canyon (LDC) options.

Photo: Fredrick on rappel

Second Rap: 100 ft

Sloped rappel using tree anchor RDC from the bottom of rap 1.

Photo: Emily navigates tree on rappel.

Third Rap: 160 ft

Mostly vertical descent into pothole from tree anchor at the bottom of rap 2.

Photo: Derek cleans the route.

Fourth Rap: 110 ft

Bolts RDC from bottom of rap 4. There was a small trickle of water that made the rock a tad slippery on rappel. at the bottom it formed a small pool that is easily avoidable.

Photo: Projected 360 image from the top of rap 4 and the bottom of rap 3 near center.

Fifth Rap: 75 ft

Work your way RDC where you'll find bolted chains at foot level. Below you'll see the sandy canyon floor. On the far side there is an undercut in the rock providing a nice shady area for those that need a break. From there you will work your way through the narrowest section of the canyon. To stay dry, stem across the pools.

Photo: Tiffany sets the rap

Sixth Rap: 60 ft

Following the canyon you'll eventually work your way up to a tree with a sling around it. First person down can expect to get very wet. They can then assist the rest of the team by pulling them to dry land as they finish their rappels.

Photo: Projected 360 image from the top of rap 6.

Seventh Rap: 90 ft

Bolted chains can be found RDC for a two stage rappel. First person down has say a 40% chance of getting completely drenched. A successful leap or awkward push off can keep you dry, but if you lose balance or don't give yourself enough slack at the bottom of the rappel, you will get soaked. Ask Alex 😊. There is also a sling around a tree LDC that may prove to be dryer, but I prefer the two stage. Much like the previous rappel, the rest of the team should stay dry. From here, follow the narrow ledge RDC as you proceed down canyon.

Photo: Emily descending first stage of rap 6.

Eighth Rap: 115 ft

Work your way down canyon to a pit of boulders. The canyon essentially ends here with your final two rappels getting you to the bottom. Rap 8 is RDC on the other side of the large boulder in front of you. Other betas indicate this is a 100 ft rappel, but we needed to add about 15 ft of webbing to pull the rope. Be mindful of the pull and make sure the rope does not stick in any cracks or grooves.

Photo: Frederick navigates to route down to our final rappel.

Ninth Rap: 170 ft

From rap 8 slide down through the slot LDC. At the bottom you'll find bolts and chains LDC. We rappelled from there without any problems on the pull. Rap 9 is a wonderful finale as you free hang your way to the boulders below.

Photo: Tiffany begins the final rap.

Thank you for reading!

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Also, don't be afraid to make suggestions for future sparks. I hope to utilize this format for future trip reports.

Cross referenced using Blue Gnome Beta and Rope Wiki

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